Jamie Lerner Podcast




Book Jamie for an Engagement

Jamie Lerner, co-author of the book The Ever-Loving Essence of You, can put a fresh spin on just about anything that anyone throws her way. Her unique and masterful ability to re-frame even the most difficult situations is astounding. All of a sudden your biggest nightmare becomes your greatest pleasure as she lovingly helps you sift through the contrast and find that small opening of light that quickly becomes your greatest jumping off point for clarity. Unassuming, reassuring and seemingly without any sense of ego, Jamie Lerner is able to put everyone and everything at ease.

Jamie Lerner is an asset to any corporate setting. She is easily able to untangle the issues at hand and move right along into helping facilitate a solution-based platform for creative, productive, good-feeling collaboration and change.

Jamie Lerner can most often be seen working with individuals, children, adults and couples as well as with small groups. She never positions herself as the expert of anything and is always reminding you that it is you who knows best for yourself ALWAYS.

Contact Jamie to book an engagement.

Something New From Me To YOU

The Quickie: A Lovely Texting Option

The Quickie texting option first came about by request from some of my Integrative Therapy clients, and it is also a lovely and less expensive option for you if you are new to my services and would just like to try them.

Because sometimes...it just takes a quick bit of re-framing to get you back on your very merry way as you step back into your Now.

Quickie Texting time

The Quickie is a lovely new texting option that provides you with an easy way of checking back in with yourself at a moment’s notice, allowing you to re-frame your current thoughts and feelings, so that you may quickly be on your merry way.

It’s simple: you text me when you wish, and I will respond with a suggestion or insight to help you re-frame the situation.

After purchasing Quickie texting time, you will receive direct access to my texting number via an invitation. Feel free to text me about anything at any time. I will most often text you back within a few moments. I am on Central Standard Time (CST), and may need up to 6 hours, depending on circumstances. I will always make your Quickie time a priority in my day and respond to you at my earliest opportunity.

Wished For and Most Welcome

AskJamie-Lerner.com – Wished For And Most Welcome is the go-to website for a fresh spin on every thought, question and situation that you may have. You can ask a question on this site and I will answer it by email. I will publish one or more questions here daily on this website. I cannot guarantee that all questions will be published immediately or at all, but you can be sure that you will receive a timely answer via email from me.

Please enjoy the extensive archive of questions that Jamie has answered on topics such as Love & Relationships, Family Relationships, Sex, Spirituality, and many more.

Contact Jamie to book an engagement.


Wrapping Your Mind Around the Beauty of … Contrast

Do you sometimes wonder “why is this situation happening to me”?  Contrast is every moment that we experience something that is different from what we were/are expecting and or wanting for ourselves. All of these moments of contrast provide wonderful opportunities for us. Contrast allows us to gain a better understanding of how we are vibrating (what we have individually attracted, in this moment, into our experience with our thoughts and feelings).  Contrast clearly assists us in identifying our own individual desires for ourselves. With this new understanding of contrast we can begin to wrap our mind around the endless possibilities of creating more of what we individually desire for ourselves.

Author Jamie Lerner works with private clients in integrative sessions assisting them in finding the beauty of contrast.  She helps them slowly begin to make the shift from resenting others who come in and out of  our lives (who we have vibrationally attracted) to appreciating all of those experiences.  We begin to become curious and understand these situations/people as powerful indicators of where we are and more importantly where we would like to be going. Every moment, person, and situation clearly becomes a wonderful opportunity in assisting us in creating the life that we are wanting (desire) for ourselves.

Jamie says this about her own experience with contrast, “The contrast that I have experienced throughout my lifetime has been stunning. Each and every wonderful moment has brought me closer to the clarity of the life that I have so joyously created. I know that it is possible to achieve a happy, healthy and prosperous life because I live it every day. Leading by example, with a unique ability to intuitively connect with people; I feel passionate about guiding you to this knowledge.”

Imagine feeling joyful and connected to yourself at all times as well as creating the life of your dreams. Jamie believes that people are amazing, beautiful, filled with light and love, passion, joy and enthusiasm. We are beings with intuitive knowing and infinite intelligence. We can learn anything, can have everything and are powerful manifesters who thrive in well-being.

Jamie Lerner is the co-author of the book, The Ever-Loving Essence of You.  She has co-created a beautiful family, received her MSW from Loyola University, and has traveled the world, exploring all types of spiritual healing modalities.  As a therapist, Jamie has developed what she refers to as an integrative approach to well-being. Jamie Lerner is masterful in her ability to assist clients in re-creating a loving relationship with themselves. She is also a passionate, amateur adult equestrian rider on the AA horse show circuit. She has an insatiable appetite for pleasure, beauty, and joy; and often refers to herself as a true “pleasure junkie.”

Download this Press Release (PDF)

Everyday – Endless Opportunities

Jamie Lerner is passionate about the endless everyday opportunities that we have to create and sustain an ongoing long–term connected relationship with ourselves. She speaks to the power of consciously creating a harmonious connection between our thoughts and our feeling to create balance, as we are then able to shift into alignment one subject at a time.

The Art of Allowing

Jamie Lerner lights up when asked about the topic of allowing. She discusses the joys and freedom to move about the world without having a point of view (judgment) about what anyone else is saying or doing. She believes that everyone is allowed to choose what is best for themselves and when we tend to what is best for our own selves and have clarity for ourselves, we care not what others have chosen for themselves. The entire point of allowing is to feel good as we flow from one loving moment to the next creating unconditional relationships along the way.

Change Your Storyline, Change Your Life

Changing your storyline is a subject that Jamie Lerner spends a lot of time on with her private clients. One of her favorite questions is to ask “is your storyline working well for you”. She believes that the story that we are incessantly telling is directly reflected in the life that we are living. Change your story and you will change your life.

"Envision the Freedom of Not Being Dependent on What Other People Feel About Us to Feel Good About Ourselves? Now That is True Self Love!”

Chicago (Vocus/PRWEB) -- Imagine feeling joyful and connected to your sweetest self at all times. The best and most romantic relationships that you will ever have, according to Jamie Lerner and Lauren Targ, authors of the new book The Ever-Loving Essence of You, begin with the relationship that you create with yourself. The authors include illuminating tools for joyous living in the book.

Jamie Lerner lives and breathes the teachings of Abraham (Esther and Jerry Hicks). She has co-created a beautiful family, received her MSW from Loyola University, and has traveled the world, exploring all types of spiritual healing modalities.

As a therapist, Jamie has developed what she refers to as an integrative approach to well-being. Jamie Lerner is masterful in her ability to assist clients in re-creating a loving relationship with themselves. She is also a passionate, amateur adult equestrian rider on the AA horse show circuit. She has an insatiable appetite for pleasure, beauty, and joy; and often refers to herself as a true “pleasure junkie.”

Lauren Targ has worked in the theater as an actor, director and writer. She spent several years in the film business working as an art director. Her art installations have been shown in galleries and museums around the country. Her most recent work comprises a collaborative on-going audio piece entitled, “The Crush Project.”

Lauren is trained in many healing techniques and is a certified Reiki master healer. Her natural knack for counseling, healing, and motivating led her to her current positions teaching and advising at Columbia College Chicago, where she earned her M.F.A. in Interdisciplinary Arts.

The Ever-Loving Essence of You is rich with enlightened information presented in a gentle and loving way. The authors invite you to give yourself the greatest gift of all, and that would be the gift of self-love.

Download the Book Press Release (PDF)